Opening Night Celebration
Benefactor Reception & Gala DinnerProgram
Yannick Nézet-Séguin Conductor
María Dueñas Violin
Blanchard Orchestral Suite from Fire Shut Up in My Bones (world premiere—Philadelphia Orchestra co-commission)
Bruch Violin Concerto No. 1
Tchaikovsky Romeo and Juliet
Elevate your Opening Night experience with a benefactor package! Event benefactors and their guests will enjoy a festive pre-concert reception followed by the performance. An elegant gala dinner will conclude the evening.
5:30 PM
Benefactor Reception, Tier 2 Lounge
7:00 PM
Concert, Marian Anderson Hall
View Program
8:30 PM
Gala Dinner, Commonwealth Plaza
Opening Night Celebration Benefactors
Donor List
Donor List
Lead Benefactor
Ralph and Beth Johnston Muller
Diamond Benefactor
The Central Volunteer Committee
Comcast NBCUniversal
Jeanette Lerman-Neubauer and Joseph Neubauer
Platinum Benefactor
Elaine W. Camarda and A. Morris Williams, Jr.
Parx Casino
Carole Haas Gravagno
Julia A. Haller, MD and John D. Gottsch, MD
The Main Line Volunteer Committee
The Malmud-Kravitz Foundation
The Rittenhouse Square Volunteer Committee
Stradley Ronon Stevens and Young, LLP
Michael D. Zisman
Gold Benefactor
N. Judith Broudy
Tobey and Mark Dichter
Lauren Gilchrist
Eric and Lenora Hume
Neal Krouse and Karl Fong
Dr. Peter Langmuir and Dr. Colette Desrochers
Caroline B. Rogers
Lyn M. Ross
Dianne and Jeffrey Rotwitt
Molly Shepard and Peter Dean
Leonard and Barbara Sylk
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Townsend
Tom and Pat Vernon
Principal Benefactor
Dr. Susan C. Aldridge
Sibby Brasler
Sara A. Cerato
Kristine Christensen
Peggy Cooke
Nancy and Kenneth Davis
Henry and Kathy Donner
Barbara Eberlein and Jerry Wind
Anne C. Ewers
Nancy Galloway
Robert Heim and Eileen Kennedy
Marie and Jeffrey Kenkelen
Drs. Gary and Deborah Ledley
Liddy Lindsay
Elizabeth and Edwin Mahoney
Sandy and David Marshall
Cathy Moss and Mitchell Harris
The New Jersey Volunteer Committee
Professor Ilan Peleg and Dr. Marta Rozans
Kate Brady Rauscher
Louise H. Reed
Mr. Jason Schupbach
Judith Sills Swartz and Randy Swartz
Dr. Norman L. Sykes and Mrs. Gabriella Sykes
Dr. R.J. Wallner
Dr. Richard Weisenberg and Faye Senneca
Dr. Dilys V. Winegrad
Richard and Diane Woosnam
World Affairs Council of Philadelphia
Linda De Marco
Noël Butcher Hanley
Hannah L. Henderson
Keith A. Layton
Gene Weymouth
*list as of July 16, 2024