Meal Donation Program Fights Philly Food Insecurity | Share Food Program
The next episode highlights Share Food Program, the largest hunger relief organization in the region. In the last nine months of the COVID-19 pandemic, Share Food Program has distributed more than 50 million pounds of food in and around Philadelphia, from its five-acre warehouse at 29th Street and West Hunting Park Ave. in North Philadelphia.
Share Food Program also manages the National School Lunch Program for more than 305,000 children in Philadelphia and the surrounding suburbs who qualify for free or reduced lunch. Principal Horn Jennifer Montone, Associate Principal Horn Jeffrey Lang, and horn player Ernesto Tovar Torres perform. Musicians and staff from the Orchestra can also be seen volunteering on site to pack boxes of food for delivery.
Jennifer Montone Horn
Jeffrey Lang Horn
Ernesto Tovar Torres Horn
Program includes:
Schneider Trio No. 7, from 18 Trios
East “How Merrily We Live,” from Old English Love Songs
Mendelssohn “Lift Thine Eyes to the Mountains,” from Elijah
Reicha Trio No. 21, from 24 Trios
Mozart Second movement (Larghetto), from Divertimento No. 4
Blake and Morgan “Bugle Call” Rag
Our City, Your Orchestra is supported in part by the William Penn Foundation.