Featured Artists
Stéphane Denève
Pablo Sainz-Villegas
In this enchanting program, French conductor Stéphane Denève and Spanish guitarist Pablo Sáinz-Villegas make an indelible connection with romance and Spanish dances. Berlioz’s most famous work, his Symphonie fantastique, conjures up a dark tale of love and madness, while Rodrigo’s virtuosic Fantasía para un gentilhombre is a boldly exuberant, brilliantly colored work—the perfect showcase for a soloist who has "ascended to the upper echelon of successful classical guitarists." (acousticguitar.com)
Conducting this vivid program is former Principal Guest Conductor Stéphane Denève, hailed for his “fabulous ear, staggering mastery of his scores, and a buoyant, bubbly personality” so popular with audiences they’ve coined the term “Stéphanomania” (St. Louis Post-Dispatch).
Fantasía para un gentilhombre, for guitar and orchestra
Symphonie fantastique