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2024–25 Season

Free Organ Recital featuring Paul Jacobs

Feb 1, 2025  at 5:00PM

Free Organ Recital featuring Paul Jacobs

Feb 1, 2025  at 5:00PM

Featured Artists

Paul Jacobs


Experience the breathtaking artistry of renowned organist Paul Jacobs as he presents a free program that celebrates the organ's rich and versatile sonic palette.

The recital journeys through the dramatic Romanticism of Mendelssohn and Franck’s mastering of serene elegance. Jacobs also explores the inventive genius of Ives alongside the timeless beauty of Bach. This extraordinary recital promises a journey through the innovation of these iconic composers.



Organ Sonata No. 1


Prelude, Fugue, and Variation­­­


Variations on “America”


Sinfonia, from Cantata No. 156, “Ich steh mit einem Fuss im Grabe”


Prelude and Fugue in D major, BWV 532